Autumn finals day Oct 2013
Wed, Oct 30, 2013A festive Christmas for junior members
Sat, Dec 14, 2013It was a dark, winter evening on Saturday 16th November when the STLC Clubhouse became the ‘scene of a murder’! Patrons for the Dis-orietated Express train boarded at 7.30pm and were escorted to the dining car (ie the newly refurbished hall) where the conductor introduced the suspects. Each table was designated as a Pullman car and occupants were given the opportunity to ask questions and then try to establish what happened, all this going on whilst enjoying a delicious feast!
Thank you and well done to all those involved. Even though we didn’t manage to work out ‘who dunnit’ (it was Ginnie by the way, aka Kiki DeLegs!) it was a very entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable evening. Jim Gibbons was a great train conductor, as were all the other actors – Ginnie & Clive, Andy & Claire F, Mike Black & Kerry who all entered into the spirit of things putting on accents and playing their roles to the full! Well done to Nicola & Graham who won the ‘best dressed’ awards – the theme of 1930s was well supported (see the photos below). Special thanks to Suzanne and Maureen for providing a fantastic 3 course meal in the ‘kitchen car’, and also to Derek who was spotted in the ‘bar car’ – back on duty despite having ‘left town’ just recently!!
Top marks to Jim and Maureen for organising it – once again you did a great job!